Oki, Chairman of the JACC
Scott is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Oki Developments,
Inc. and is a professed entrepreneur, venture capitalist,
philanthropist and community activist. His personal mission
statement is "to marry my passion for things entrepreneurial
with things philanthropic in a way that encourages others
to do the same." Prior to founding Oki Developments,
Inc., Scott retired after 10 years with Microsoft Corporation
where he served in a variety of executive positions. Scott
serves on dozens of advisory boards and boards of directors
for both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. He
has founded or co-founded more than a dozen not-for-profit

Handley, Vice-Chair of the JACC
Brenda L. Handley is a founding partner and CEO of Aboda,
formerly Northwest Suites & Housing Services, the premier
provider of interim corporate housing in the Puget Sound
region. Brenda has applied her entrepreneurial spirit, passion
for excellence, and strong work ethic not only to her company,
but to the nonprofit sector as well. She serves on the board
of directors for the Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia
Mason Medical Center, is board liaison for the Education
Committee of the national Corporate Housing Providers Association,
and is a director of the Japanese American Chamber of Commerce
of Washington State. She was named a finalist in the 2002
Nellie Cashman Woman Business Owner of the Year Competition
in recognition of her extraordinary leadership in business
and her contributions to the community.

Yamamoto Baruffi, Secretary of the JACC
Kumi Yamamoto Baruffi has been a member and the Secretary
of the JACC Board since 2002. She is a shareholder in the
Seattle law firm of Graham & Dunn, specializing in corporate
transactions and financial institutions. Kumi was born in
Hong Kong and raised in Tokyo, where she graduated from
the International School of the Sacred Heart. She received
her B.A., cum laude, from Wellesley College, and her J.D.
from Boston University School of Law.

T. Amemiya, Ph.D.
Chris is a scientist and principal investigator for the
Benaroya Research Institute. The Amemiya laboratory uses
an interdisciplinary approach in order to better understand
evolutionary and developmental aspects of the vertebrate
adaptive immune system and the development of morphological
structures. Chris is also a Full Member, Molecular Genetics,
Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason; Professor,
Department of Biology (Affiliate Appointment), University
of Washington; and a Full Member, Cell and Molecular Biology
Program, University of Washington.
Bill is the CEO of Mobile Operandi, a wireless software
company. Previously, Bill was a Partner with Atlas Venture
(www.atlasventure.com), a large international venture capital
firm with $2.5B under management, where he originated an
investment in Isilon Systems (www.isilon.com). Prior to
Atlas, Bill was a co-founder of Qpass (www.qpass.com), where
he served as CEO and later Chairman. He co-founded Netbot,
Inc (which built the first comparison shopping agent for
the Internet, Jango), serving as its President. In the early
1990s, he was the founding Vice President of Worldwide Sales
and Marketing at Visio Corporation (now part of Microsoft
Corporation). Bill was an early investor and Board member
in seven companies that were acquired or went public, including
Loudeye (NASDAQ: LOUD), AEI Music (DMX/Liberty Media), Viafone
(Extended Systems), Teamplate (Captaris), Exstatic Software
(Xchange Applications), Throw (Excite) and Singing Fish
(Thomson). In addition, Bill consulted extensively to Microsoft
Corporation, Real Networks, Getty Images, and Corbis. Earlier
in his career, he held VP Marketing and GM roles for Micrografx,
Software Publishing and Traveling Software.

Nancy Cho is currently the President of Oki Developments,
Inc., following an initial two years serving as the companys
Chief Financial Officer. Oki Developments, Inc. is an investment
company with interests in real estate, golf course development
and management, professional soccer, restaurants and early
development stage high-tech companies. Prior to joining
Oki Developments, Inc., Nancys experience includes
seven-plus years at a Big Six public accounting firm as
a Certified Public Accountant. Previously, she owned and
operated a small business in Seattle. She has served on
several local boards, including the Bellevue Chamber of
Commerce, Childhaven, and Japan America Society, and is
currently serving on the YMCA of Greater Seattle and as
Treasurer of the Japanese American Chamber of Commerce.

Chris Helm is a partner at the law firm of Davis, Wright
and Tremaine, practicing general business law with a focus
on Japan and Asia; business immigration law; intellectual
property; international law and life sciences. Chris advises
foreign companies and individuals on structuring investments
in manufacturing and other business operations in the Pacific
Northwest, as well as American companies and individuals
entering the Asian markets. Chris has lived in Japan for
over 24 years and speaks Japanese fluently.

Gary Ikeda is the General Counsel for the Seattle Public
Schools. Prior to the Seattle Public Schools, Gary was Vice
President and General Counsel of The Hope Heart Institute.
He also served as the Deputy Attorney General, Washington
State Attorney General's Office and Vice President and General
Counsel of the Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound.
Gary graduated from the University of Washington School
of Law. He also serves on the boards of Meany Hall for the
Performing Arts and the International District Parking and
Transportation, and is a member of the Asian Bar Association.

Tom Ikeda has served as Executive Director of the Japanese
American Chamber of Commerce of Washington State since 2003.
Tom Ikeda is also the founding Executive Director of Densho,
a project that teaches young people about democracy by sharing
the stories of Japanese Americans who were unjustly incarcerated
during World War II.
to working at the JACC and Densho, he was a Product Group
General Manager at Microsoft Corporation where he developed
multimedia CD-ROM titles. Tom also worked as a research
engineer developing hemodializers (artificial kidneys) with
Cordis Dow Corporation and as a financial analyst at the
Weyerhaeuser Company. Tom graduated from the University
of Washington with a BS in Chemical Engineering, BA in Chemistry
and an MBA.

Chris Ishii is Senior Vice President and Resident Manager
of the Seattle branch of Smith Barney.

Tetsuden Kashima, born in Oakland, California, grew up in
Topaz, Utah, and San Diego, Calif. He received his B.A.
in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley,
and a doctorate in Sociology at the University of California,
San Diego. In 1976 he came to the University of Washington
to be the Director of Asian American Studies and is presently
a Professor in the Department of American Ethnic Studies,
an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Sociology and
a member of Canadian Studies Faculty of the Jackson School
of International Studies. Dr. Kashima has given lectures
or taught at numerous universities, nationally, and was
an invited professor to universities in Kyoto and Yamaguchi,
Japan. He has published works on a Japanese American religious
institution [Buddhism in America: the Social Organization
of an Ethnic Religious Institution (Greenwood Press, 1977)],
the incarceration and internment of Japanese Americans,
and Japanese American attitudes and beliefs. His second
book, Judgment Without Trial: Japanese American Imprisonment
during World War II (University of Washington Press, 2003)
examines the entire process of internment and incarceration
faced by the persons of Japanese ancestry in the United
States, its then Territories of Alaska and Hawaii and Latin
American countries.

Yamanouchi has been working for the Japanese aircraft industry
for almost 40 years. He joined Nihon Aeroplane Manufacturing
Company (NAMCO) after his graduation from The University
of Tokyo and worked for the YS-11 and the C-1 military cargo
airplane development programs as a design engineer. He was
also involved with the YS-11 flight test program as a project-engineering
pilot. After managing the marketing organization for Japan
Aircraft Development Corporation, he came to the United
States in 1978 to support Boeings sales for the Japanese
market as a part of Japans participation in the 767
was instrumental in Boeings sales campaign to Japan
Airlines, which won the launching order of the 767-300 from
the airline in 1983, and the 767-300 sales campaign to All
Nippon Airways in1985. He also became responsible for business
and program management of Japans joint efforts with
Boeing for new airplane programs such as the 7J7 and 777.
Norio played a major role in the business and program management
for all the Boeing/Japan joint programs including the New
Small Airplane study and the 747-X. He was appointed to
the position of Senior Vice President and General Manager
US Division of Civil Aircraft Engineering Service
Company in 1997 and was responsible for the entire Japanese
aircraft industrys joint activity in Seattle area.
Civil Aircraft Engineering Service Company is a subsidiary
company of Japan Aircraft Development Corporation, responsible
for performing aircraft engineering and other program works
in Seattle associated with Japans joint efforts with
Boeing. He retired from the company September, 2002 and
started his own consulting business for aviation and international
business development, Orion Network.
Norio Yamanouchi is a native of Japan and received his aeronautical
engineering degree from the University of Tokyo.